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Goodbye worry, hello peacefulness

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, when the body’s energy is flowing properly the digestive system also functions properly. The mind is without worry or anxieties, blood and all of the fluids of the digestive system move smoothly, and there are no backups or sagging (prolapse) of the organs. When the body’s functioning is damaged by improper eating, anxieties will follow. Conversely, when the mind is overcome with worries or anxieties, the digestion system becomes damaged and depleted.  

One or more of the following symptoms point to a need for the Qi Building Diet, and symptoms can be accompanied by a combination of several additional symptoms not listed below:

  • Poor digestion, bloating, loose stools, low appetite, weight problems

  • Indigestion, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, IBS, bleeding gums

  • Asthma, weak or breathy voice, frequent sweating, poor immunity

  • Anemia, poor circulation, muscle aches, cold hands and feet

  • Hair loss, dry skin, brittle hair, dizziness when standing

  • Lack of joy, emotional exhaustion, anxiety, palpitations

  • Weakness, fatigue, mental fog, poor memory

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