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The blood manages our Shen, or spirit, neatly housed in the Heart. When the shen is nourished with abundant Blood we respond appropriately to our environment.  It allows us to build meaningful relationships, be calm, experience joy, and to feel rooted and able to adapt.  When the Shen is unsettled or not anchored with Blood, emotional problems arise.  Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, dream disturbed sleep, mood swings, depression, the sensation of floating out of the body, inability to root or ground, speech disturbances like stuttering, insomnia, and an inability to form rewarding relationships.  In extreme cases, there may be irrational behavior, hysteria, insanity, manic disorder, and delirium. Support your blood with the Blood Nourishing Diet.

According to both medical definitions of Eastern and Western medicine,  blood is the red stuff in the veins that nourishes the organs, circulates, warms, and heals. In Chinese Medicine, blood doesn’t just nourish the physical body, it also anchors our mind and spirit. The quality of Blood circulating through the system helps give us vitality, focus, and rosy cheeks. When Blood is abundant we feel alive, nourished, well connected in mind and spirit, and are able to allow joy and laughter into our lives to build meaningful relationships. 

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